Cheese Making Process

Our cheese is made in open vats at Wilton Cheese Factory, owned and operated under A.M. Jensen Limited. We add natural colouring (annatto) to the milk, microbial enzymes are then added to coagulate the milk into a jello-like solid.
Knives consisting of closely spaces wires are then used to the cut the mass into ¼ inch cubes. The soft curds are stirred and begin to expel moisture in the form of whey. While being stirred the curds are heated allowing them to shrink and become more firm firming while and expelling the whey.
The cooked curd particles are pushed to one end of the vat to allow for the removal of whey. While draining, the curd is stirred frequently to attain the desired content and texture. The curd is kept warm and turned every 15 minutes
This process is also known as Cheddaring, a distinctive feature of our product.
Piled high, the curd is compressed more after each turn. The turns firm up the solid mass and expel moisture, enhancing the curing of the final product. Salt is added to expel moisture, to add flavour, and to preserve the cheese. The cheese is then put into plastic lined metal forms which form a 40lb block of cheddar.
The metal forms are turned down and remain under constant pressure overnight. Each of the blocks of cheese is branded with lot and vat numbers as well as the exact date of manufacture. The plant number is also included on the box.
The cheese is then stored in underground coolers located in Simcoe at Jensen Cheese, where it is aged naturally for months to years.